Karen Lefler - 35 years of experience in Neonatal Intensive Care of which 26 years practicing as a Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Tangela Williams - 25 years of experience in Neonatal Intensive Care of which 16 years practicing as a Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Jon Mouzon- 24 years of experience in the field of Neonatology/Newborn Care of which the last 19 years as a Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, primarily functioning in a maximum level NICU (IV)
Understand Standards of Care. Solid knowledge base from Routine Newborn Care to Neonatal Intensive Care and Neonatal Developmental Care and Pediatrics
Areas of expertise
Karen Lefler, Tangela Williams & Jon Mouzon - EPI (Extremely Preterm Infants), brain injury (therapeutic hypothermia/body cooling), birth injury, infants with respiratory failure, congenital heart disease, neonatal resuscitation, pediatric/cardiothoracic surgical infants, ECMO (heart lung bypass) high-risk deliveries, routine newborn care, newborn developmental follow-up and neonatal transport